By having brown coloured bread regularly for breakfast you are doing your body no good, worse still if you are exercising as well. MULTI-GRAIN BREAD Dr Sharma advises you rather get used to the more coarse multi-grain bread which may not be the most appetising in the first place, and may not make for the perfect toast with your egg or greens. Better still, if you can have a bowl of dalia or porridge everyday by stirring in a few vegetables of your choice. It is wholesome breakfast food. BREAKFAST CEREALS You have been stocking all sorts of breakfast cereals for a while since you discovered parathas are lousy for breakfast. But reconsider a moment. Not all breakfast cereals on the market are low-calorie, or the least bit healthy. When buying breakfast cereals be extremely picky about the ingredients of your pack; check for the sugar content, artificial colouring, salt, fibre and fat content. It is always advisable to steer clear of the sugar-frosted, chocolate-coated varieties as you don’t want your first meal to do anything but pump sugar into your body. BREAK FREE WITH: OATMEAL OR WHEAT FLAKES A bowl of oats in the morning is good for those suffering high cholesterol and diabetes, provided you don’t add extra sugar to it. The high fibre content in oats balances the blood sugar, and relieves people prone to depression. You can even alternate it with wheat porridge which is a nice change from run-of-the-mill breakfast cereals. FLAVOURED YOGHURT/MILK Your local dairy shop will first produce a strawberry-flavoured yoghurt cup when you ask for yoghurt. Such is the hoopla surrounding every food that’s flavoured. Its novel and apparently healthy. But it is only preposterous to think that they contain real fruit pulp and probably as good as plain yoghurt. All your strawberry, blueberry and mango flavoured yoghurts are loaded with sugar and chemicals to get the desired colour and sweetness, for real fruit pulp can never be that sweet. The same goes with flavoured milk. PLAIN YOGHURT OR FRUITS Plain yoghurt preferably set at home is the ideal and the only way you should have yoghurt if you are truly concerned about healthy living. Fruits are another healthy addition to your diet provided you do not squeeze the pulp out every time WHITE RICE Devoid of nutrition, white rice is nothing but a refined grain that has been stripped of its vitamins, minerals and fibre. Cooked white rice is all starch that easily converts to glucose in our body and shoots up our blood pressure, or gives a tummy bulge. White rice should especially be avoided by those who are carb sensitive as even a little bit of rice could make them feel full, and even fat. Also, white rice leaves you hungry too soon as your body takes very little time to break it down and digest it.
You may have already made the switch from white bread to brown bread in a conscious bid to eat healthy and save your diet. BROWN BREAD After it slowly sunk in that white bread is bad for health as it is made of all purpose flour and can lead to obesity, high cholesterol and diabetes, we made a reluctant transition to brown bread. Now, it turns out the brown bread locally available is no more than regular white bread coloured brown by using chemicals.
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