With gossip mills constantly churning about their alleged impending wedding, there is much hullabaloo surrounding the much awaited Deepika Padukone-Ranveer Singh wedding. While neither of them has come out in open and admitted their relationship in public, they haven't denied it either. Not too long ago there were reports of Ranveer spilling the beans on their alleged relationship, and now, in a recent interview with Times Now, Deepika got candid about her equation with the 'Gully Boy' actor and went on to talk about the marriage rumours. Talking about the bond she shares with Ranveer, Deepika stated, "For me, he is a friend. He is a confidante. He's someone I can talk to. There is debate, there is conversation. Sometimes we agree, sometimes we disagree, but I guess that's what makes the friendship beautiful." On being probed into her, admitting Raveer as her boyfriend, the leggy lass said, "It is what it is and I wouldn't challenge it." Finally, talking about her marriage plans, the actress revealed, "It's definitely part of my life. It's definitely something that I want for myself. But when that happens, how it happens, I think it's just instinct." She concluded by stating, "I think it's important to know when it's right."
Tuesday, 10 April 2018 10:11
Deepika Padukone's candid confessions on her rumoured wedding to Ranveer Singh Featured
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