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Sunday, 24 August 2014 18:00


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Celebrate and compliment your beauty. Girls love being told that they’re pretty, so why don’t you tell yourself how beautiful you are every once in a while? You deserve to know how wonderful you are, and what better person to hear it from than yourself? TREAT YOURSELF : Do something for you, and only you. How about a spa day? Or maybe a day spent on the couch watching Pretty Little Liars and eating a carton of ice cream? Revel in your femininity and celebrate yourself for being a woman. WEAR CUTE PANTIES : Don’t laugh. You should never underestimate the power of a cute and colorful thong. I’m not saying that it will monumentally alter the way you feel about yourself, but wearing cute panties is guaranteed to

make your day better every time you pull your pants down and see them. LEAVE THE BITCHES AND A-HOLES BEHIND : It’s time to clean out your Facebook and get rid of all your negative friends. You know the ones I’m talking about — friends who weigh you down and make you feel bad for no reason other than that misery loves company. And misery may love company, but she most certainly does need deserve the company of such a beautiful woman like you. VOLUNTEER : Get involved in something larger and more important than yourself. You’ll feel awesome about helping another person, and when you show love to others it enables you to love yourself. STOP DOGGING YOURSELF: The self-criticism has seriously got to stop. People mess up, it’s a fact of life. It’s your responsibility to acknowledge your faults and attempt to fix them, not to make yourself feel like a piece of dirt on the ground. PRAISE YOURSELF: Positive reinforcement works. Tell yourself that you’re proud of who you are, and that you are so unbelievably happy to be yourself. Treat yourself like you are your own best friend. TAKE CARE OF YOUR BODY: You have only been given one body, so you better learn to love the one you’ve got. Men don’t pick themselves apart when it comes to looks, so why should we? You need to eat healthy, never skip meals, and drink lots of water. Your body is a temple, so you should start respecting it. FEED YOUR SOUL: Enrich yourself with the world around you. When you attempt to absorb all the beauty and wonder around you, you can’t help but be wrapped in it. Wearing pants and button down shirts is not the only way to look professional.

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