
Whould you have 6 meals or 3 meals a day?

Healthy eating and healthy living revolves around having sufficient food (read: a balanced diet!). But how many meals should you have per day?Healthy eating is a key component of weight los-sand muscle building for those who want to maintain a healthy weight. Our strength and conditioning expert, Arnav Sarkar lays out the benefits of three meals versus six meals. He also tells you when you should have three meals and six meals for optimal health benefits. As per popular belief “going more than three hours without eating anything would lead to a drop in energy levels, loss of lean muscle tissue, increased fat storing, etc,” says Arnav. Hence it was always important to eat every three hours. So, three good meals in a day is a good option since fasting experts reveal that six meals is responsible for body fat and poor hormones.

“One of the major claims for three meals a day being better for fat loss is that it helps to keep insulin and blood sugar levels low and thus bodyfat is lower. In my personal opinion, however, this is where most people make a major mistake. They do not take the total caloric intake into calculation,” explains Arnav. Arnav Sarkar elaborates the benefits of eating 3 meals a day: